International Student Interdisciplinary Architectural Workshop

Zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w Międzynarodowych Warsztatach Projektowych, które odbędą się w piątek 6 marca 2015 w sali P2 w godzinach 10:00-14:00.


Aim of the workshop:

Incorporating sustainable solutions in the process of rehabilitation of urban development. Improving common space – adjusting it to the needs of social communication.


Design topic:

The design of a structure, a piece of landscape architecture or a social building promoting sustainable design located in public space of the district subject to rehabilitation. (Ugorek  and Olsza II district in Krakow)


Input material to be developed:

–          Chosen location with local conditions such as landscape, climat, topography etc.

–          Building use – precise program

–          Building and lot size (approx.)

–          Relation architecture vs nature

–          Sustainable technologies

–          Social communication aspects



Room P1, ul. Podhorążych 1, Kraków



Friday 6th March 10:00-14:00